Advanced DAX for Power BI/0. Course Intro/1. Course Structure - Outline Video/btln6hf220ct1697it70.mp4126.86MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/0. Course Intro/3. Setting Expectations Video/btlqo3eh0ra1r4jecaj0.mp46.48MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/0. Course Intro/4. Helpful Resources Video/btlqskf220ct1697j7lg.mp44.93MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/1. Prerequisite Skills Review/1. Introduction Video/btlqskeh0ra1r4jecb6g.mp44.95MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/1. Prerequisite Skills Review/2. Data Modeling Fundamentals Video/btlqskeh0ra1r4jecb70.mp420.71MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/1. Prerequisite Skills Review/3. Basic DAX Video/btlqskf220ct1697j7l0.mp432.67MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/2. Introducing the Course Project/1. Introducing the Course Project Video/btlqskeh0ra1r4jecb60.mp44.11MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/2. Introducing the Course Project/3. Maven Roasters Data Model Setup Video/btovv2uh0ra1r4jeima0.mp443.01MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/1. Introduction Video/btltqqn220ct1697jf30.mp43.65MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/2. Formula - Storage Engines Video/btlqskf220ct1697j7k0.mp47.52MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/3. Query Evaluation In Depth Video/btlqskeh0ra1r4jecb5g.mp49.45MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/4. Data - Storage Types Video/btlqskf220ct1697j7ig.mp47.95MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/5. VertiPaq Columnar Data Structure Video/btlqskeh0ra1r4jecb50.mp410.57MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/6. VertiPaq Compression - Encoding Video/btlqskf220ct1697j7j0.mp47.42MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/7. Value Encoding Video/btlqsk7220ct1697j7i0.mp46.97MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/8. Hash Encoding Video/btlqsk6h0ra1r4jecb4g.mp49.24MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/9. Run Length Encoding Video/btlqsk6h0ra1r4jecb40.mp48.94MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/10. VertiPaq Relationships Video/btlqsk7220ct1697j7hg.mp411.84MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/3. The DAX Engines/11. Summary- DAX Engines Video/btlqsk7220ct1697j7gg.mp45.21MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/1. Introduction Video/btlqsk7220ct1697j7h0.mp43.14MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/2. Shortcuts Video/btlqsk7220ct1697j7g0.mp415.94MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/3. Formatting Best Practices Video/btlqsk6h0ra1r4jecb3g.mp425.51MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/4. DAX Evaluation Order Video/btlqsk7220ct1697j7fg.mp49.19MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/5. Commenting Code Video/btlqsk6h0ra1r4jecb30.mp412.22MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/6. PRO TIP- Dedicated Measure Table Video/btlqsk6h0ra1r4jecb1g.mp419.25MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/7. Error Handling Video/btlqsk6h0ra1r4jecb2g.mp433.93MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/8. Creating - Using Variables Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j84g.mp424.79MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/9. Variable Evaluation Order Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j840.mp414.43MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/4. Tips - Best Practices/10. PRO TIP- Using Variables for Debugging Video/btlr1gv220ct1697j890.mp425.92MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/1. Introduction Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecbng.mp43.15MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/2. Common Scalar Functions Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecbn0.mp45.18MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/3. Aggregation Functions Video/btlr1gv220ct1697j88g.mp416.71MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/4. PRO TIP- SUM - SUMX Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecbmg.mp45.37MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/5. Rounding Functions Video/bu27083i57dcbr62mp40.mp433.72MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/6. ASSIGNMENT- Rounding Functions Video/btlr1gv220ct1697j880.mp43.83MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/7. SOLUTION- Rounding Functions Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecbm0.mp430.13MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/8. Information Functions Video/btlr1gv220ct1697j87g.mp424.69MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/9. Conversion Functions Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecblg.mp416.56MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/10. ASSIGNMENT- Conversion Functions Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecbkg.mp42.65MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/11. SOLUTION- Conversion Functions Video/btlr1guh0ra1r4jecbl0.mp430.2MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/12. Logical Functions- SWITCH Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j870.mp427.87MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/13. Logical Functions- COALESCE Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j86g.mp420.84MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/14. ASSIGNMENT- Logical Functions Video/btlr1gmh0ra1r4jecbk0.mp42.34MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/5. Scalar Functions/15. SOLUTION- Logical Functions Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j860.mp422.45MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/1. Introduction Video/btlr1gmh0ra1r4jecbj0.mp42.76MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/2. Expanded Tables Video/btlr1gmh0ra1r4jecbjg.mp411.67MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/3. Context Transition Video/btlr1gmh0ra1r4jecbig.mp438.26MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/4. Evaluation Order Video/btlr1gmh0ra1r4jecbhg.mp432.67MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/5. CALCULATE Modifiers Video/btlr1gmh0ra1r4jecbi0.mp48.9MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/6. REMOVEFILTERS Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j850.mp421.77MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/7. KEEPFILTERS Video/btlr1gn220ct1697j85g.mp439.85MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/8. ASSIGNMENT- Advanced CALCULATE Video/btlr8v7220ct1697j8sg.mp43.03MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/9. SOLUTION- Advanced CALCULATE Video/btlr8vf220ct1697j8vg.mp442.57MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/6. Advanced CALCULATE/10. PRO TIP- Common CALCULATE Patterns Video/btlr8uf220ct1697j8r0.mp44.69MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/1. Introduction Video/btlr8uf220ct1697j8rg.mp42.33MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/2. Common Table - Filter Functions Video/btlr8ueh0ra1r4jecc90.mp42.92MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/3. Review- Calculated Tables Video/btlr8uf220ct1697j8qg.mp49.7MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/4. DISTINCT Video/btlr8v7220ct1697j8t0.mp420.51MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/5. VALUES Video/btlr8v7220ct1697j8s0.mp419.04MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/6. ASSIGNMENT- VALUES - DISTINCT Video/btlr8ueh0ra1r4jecc9g.mp42.49MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/7. SOLUTION- VALUES - DISTINCT Video/btlr8uf220ct1697j8q0.mp444.87MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/8. SELECTEDVALUE Video/btlr8vmh0ra1r4jeccd0.mp442.49MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/9. ALLEXCEPT Video/btlr8vn220ct1697j900.mp434.18MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/10. ASSIGNMENT- ALLEXCEPT Video/btlr8vmh0ra1r4jecccg.mp43.51MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/11. SOLUTION- ALLEXCEPT Video/btlr90n220ct1697j910.mp456.17MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/12. ALLSELECTED Video/btlr91uh0ra1r4jecce0.mp430.19MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/13. ASSIGNMENT- ALLSELECTED Video/btlr8vf220ct1697j8v0.mp43.71MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/14. SOLUTION- ALLSELECTED Video/btlr8vf220ct1697j8u0.mp455.27MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/15. SELECTCOLUMNS Video/btlr8vf220ct1697j8tg.mp415.87MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/16. ADDCOLUMNS Video/btlr8veh0ra1r4jeccc0.mp49.62MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/17. SUMMARIZE Video/btlr8vuh0ra1r4jeccdg.mp422.48MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/18. ASSIGNMENT- SUMMARIZE Video/btlr8veh0ra1r4jeccb0.mp42.15MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/19. SOLUTION- SUMMARIZE Video/btlr8vf220ct1697j8ug.mp437.12MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/20. Generating Data Video/btlr8veh0ra1r4jeccbg.mp43.09MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/21. ROW Video/btlr8ueh0ra1r4jecca0.mp411.05MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/22. DATATABLE Video/btlr8ueh0ra1r4jeccag.mp411.84MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/23. GENERATESERIES Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9lg.mp410.31MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/24. Table Constructor Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9l0.mp414.7MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/25. ASSIGNMENT- Generating Data Video/btlrfv6h0ra1r4jeccs0.mp41.64MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/7. Table - Filter Functions/26. SOLUTION- Generating Data Video/btlrfv6h0ra1r4jeccrg.mp49.8MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/1. Introduction Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9kg.mp42.03MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/2. CROSSJOIN Video/btlrfv6h0ra1r4jeccr0.mp431.94MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/3. UNION Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9jg.mp419.11MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/4. EXCEPT Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9k0.mp424.29MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/5. INTERSECT Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9j0.mp421.85MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/6. ASSIGNMENT- Calculated Table Joins Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9ig.mp42.95MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/8. Calculated Table Joins/7. SOLUTION- Calculated Table Joins Video/bv4kt4bjj09frru47de0.mp433.89MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/1. Introduction Video/btlrfv6h0ra1r4jeccq0.mp43.57MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/2. Physical vs. Virtual Relationships Video/btlrfv6h0ra1r4jeccqg.mp46.22MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/3. RELATED Video/btlrfv7220ct1697j9i0.mp419.55MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/4. RELATEDTABLE Video/btlrfv6h0ra1r4jeccp0.mp420.06MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/5. ASSIGNMENT- RELATED - RELATEDTABLE Video/btlrfuuh0ra1r4jecco0.mp42.61MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/6. SOLUTION- RELATED - RELATEDTABLE Video/btlrfuuh0ra1r4jeccog.mp435.11MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/7. USERELATIONSHIPS Video/btlrfuv220ct1697j9hg.mp437.11MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/8. CROSSFILTER Video/btlrfuv220ct1697j9h0.mp441.09MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/9. ASSIGNMENT- CROSSFILTER Video/btlrfun220ct1697j9fg.mp42.62MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/10. SOLUTION- CROSSFILTER Video/btlrfuuh0ra1r4jeccng.mp430.35MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/11. TREATAS Video/btlrfun220ct1697j9gg.mp420.93MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/12. ASSIGNMENT- Sales Targets -TREATAS- Video/btlrfun220ct1697j9g0.mp42.96MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/9. Relationship Functions/13. SOLUTION- Sales Targets -TREATAS- Video/bu0ajlbi57dcbr62jl8g.mp474.88MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/1. Introduction Video/btlrfumh0ra1r4jeccn0.mp42.52MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/2. Review- Basic Iterators Video/btlrkqmh0ra1r4jecd9g.mp44.33MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/3. Iterator Cardinality Video/btlrkreh0ra1r4jecdd0.mp411.92MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/4. CONCATENATEX Video/btlrkqv220ct1697jab0.mp430.56MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/5. PRO TIP- Adding Dynamic Labels Video/btlrkquh0ra1r4jecdc0.mp425.12MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/6. ASSIGNMENT- CONCATENATEX Video/btlrkquh0ra1r4jecdcg.mp42.1MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/7. SOLUTION- CONCATENATEX Video/btlrkqv220ct1697jaa0.mp440.11MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/8. AVERAGEX Video/btlrkqv220ct1697jaag.mp416.85MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/9. PRO TIP- Moving Averages Video/btlrkrf220ct1697jabg.mp435.45MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/10. ASSIGNMENT- Moving Averages Video/btlrkrn220ct1697jac0.mp42.89MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/11. SOLUTION- Moving Averages Video/btlrkqv220ct1697ja9g.mp445.27MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/12. RANKX Video/btlrkquh0ra1r4jecdbg.mp437.32MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/13. ASSIGNMENT- RANKX Video/btlrkqv220ct1697ja90.mp41.75MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/10. Iterator Functions/14. SOLUTION- RANKX Video/btlrkquh0ra1r4jecdb0.mp425.45MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/1. Introduction Video/btlrkqv220ct1697ja8g.mp43.17MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/2. Automatic Date Tables Video/btlrkquh0ra1r4jecdag.mp411.01MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/3. Date Table Requirements Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja80.mp412.84MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/4. CALENDAR Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja7g.mp416.31MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/5. CALENDARAUTO Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja70.mp415.31MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/6. PRO TIP- Building a Reusable Date Table Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja6g.mp422.81MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/7. Date Formatting Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja60.mp44.24MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/8. ASSIGNMENT- Date Formatting Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja50.mp42.19MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/9. SOLUTION- Date Formatting Video/btlrkrn220ct1697jacg.mp431.34MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/10. Common Time Intelligence Functions Video/btlrkqmh0ra1r4jecda0.mp45.94MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/11. PARALLELPERIOD Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja5g.mp423.84MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/12. PREVIOUSQUARTER Video/btlrkqn220ct1697ja4g.mp431.38MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/13. SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR Video/btlrsiuh0ra1r4jecdv0.mp423.7MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/14. ASSIGNMENT- Time Periods Video/btlrsiv220ct1697jas0.mp42.41MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/15. SOLUTION- Time Periods Video/btlrsj7220ct1697jav0.mp438.8MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/16. Week-based Calculations Video/btlrsj7220ct1697javg.mp429.75MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/17. Previous Fiscal Week Video/btlrsj6h0ra1r4jece0g.mp420.74MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/18. Fiscal Period to Date Video/btlrsj7220ct1697jaug.mp436MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/19. Fiscal Previous Period Video/btlrsj6h0ra1r4jece00.mp429.07MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/20. ASSIGNMENT- 4-5-4 Calendar Video/btlrsj7220ct1697jatg.mp42.02MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/11. Advanced Time Intelligence/21. SOLUTION- 4-5-4 Calendar Video/btlrskeh0ra1r4jece1g.mp462.49MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/12. Sneak Peek- Performance Tuning/1. Introduction Video/btlrsj7220ct1697jau0.mp42.97MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/12. Sneak Peek- Performance Tuning/2. Performance Analyzer Video/btlrsiuh0ra1r4jecdvg.mp417.39MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/12. Sneak Peek- Performance Tuning/3. PRO TIP- Copy Query Video/btlrsiuh0ra1r4jecdug.mp414.96MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/12. Sneak Peek- Performance Tuning/4. DAX Studio Video/btlrsiv220ct1697jasg.mp432.05MB
Advanced DAX for Power BI/12. Sneak Peek- Performance Tuning/5. Optimization Workflow Video/btlrsiv220ct1697jat0.mp44.94MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/0. Course Intro/1. Course Structure - Outline Video/bjcseg1ujavq7bbf9gn0.mp420.64MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/0. Course Intro/3. Introducing the Course Project Video/bihq4upujavq7bbeu3m0.mp427.38MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/0. Course Intro/4. Setting Expectations Video/bihq4v5nkrnfm4n3lbkg.mp411.3MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/1. Introducing Power BI Desktop/1. Introduction Video/bihq59lnkrnfm4n3lbl0.mp46.17MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/1. Introducing Power BI Desktop/2. Meet Power BI Video/bihq5a1ujavq7bbeu3mg.mp427.9MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/1. Introducing Power BI Desktop/3. Downloading Power BI - Adjusting Settings Video/bqcfj76hra84otn6q5vg.mp427.42MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/1. Introducing Power BI Desktop/5. The Power BI Interface - Workflow Video/bqcfk16hra84otn6q610.mp426.19MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/1. Introducing Power BI Desktop/6. Helpful Resources Video/bihq5bhujavq7bbeu3n0.mp412.81MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/1. Introducing Power BI Desktop/7. UPDATE- New Power BI Ribbon Video/bqcg0o3cip4fs3fsodd0.mp456.26MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/1. Introduction Video/bihq5m1ujavq7bbeu3ng.mp47.7MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/2. Types of Data Connectors Video/bihq5mhujavq7bbeu3o0.mp428.47MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/3. The Query Editor Video/bqcfkqbcip4fs3fsod0g.mp431.94MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/4. Basic Table Transformations Video/bmrhsra9c233ls0jbsvg.mp4119.17MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/5. Text-Specific Tools Video/bihq5r1ujavq7bbeu3p0.mp4167.41MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/6. Number-Specific Tools Video/bihq5s1ujavq7bbeu3pg.mp489.18MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/7. Date-Specific Tools Video/bilms8tnkrnfm4n3n540.mp4109.05MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/8. PRO TIP- Creating a Rolling Calendar Video/bqcfldjcip4fs3fsod10.mp439.95MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/9. Index - Conditional Columns Video/bihq5v9ujavq7bbeu3qg.mp487MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/10. Grouping - Aggregating Data Video/bihq609ujavq7bbeu3r0.mp463.83MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/11. Pivoting - Unpivoting Video/bihq615nkrnfm4n3lbng.mp452.51MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/12. Merging Queries Video/bihq62lnkrnfm4n3lbo0.mp468.12MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/13. Appending Queries Video/bihq63hujavq7bbeu3rg.mp482.27MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/14. PRO TIP- Appending Files from a Folder Video/bihq64pujavq7bbeu3s0.mp483.94MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/15. Data Source Settings Video/bqcfm3mhra84otn6q65g.mp447.77MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/16. Query Refresh Settings Video/bihq671ujavq7bbeu3t0.mp429.55MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/17. Additional Data Types - Categories Video/bqcfnf3cip4fs3fsod4g.mp4109.35MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/18. Defining Hierarchies Video/bihq6b5nkrnfm4n3lbp0.mp434.34MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/19. PRO TIP- Importing Models from Excel Video/bqcfp56hra84otn6q68g.mp455.01MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/20. Data Connection Best Practices Video/bihq6c9ujavq7bbeu3u0.mp411.67MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/2. Connecting - Shaping Data/23. HOMEWORK SOLUTION- Connecting - Shaping Data Video/bihq6g5nkrnfm4n3lbqg.mp4172.15MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/1. Introduction Video/bihq6vtnkrnfm4n3lbr0.mp45.13MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/2. What is a -Data Model-- Video/bihq6vhujavq7bbeu3v0.mp444.84MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/3. Database Normalization Video/bihq70pujavq7bbeu3vg.mp425.65MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/4. Data Tables vs. Lookup Tables Video/bihq71hujavq7bbeu400.mp454.99MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/5. Relationships vs. Merged Tables Video/bihq729ujavq7bbeu40g.mp420.35MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/6. Creating Table Relationships Video/bihq731ujavq7bbeu410.mp437.41MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/7. -Snowflake- Schemas Video/bihq73lnkrnfm4n3lbsg.mp419.61MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/8. Managing - Editing Relationships Video/bihq745nkrnfm4n3lbt0.mp419.48MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/9. Active vs. Inactive Relationships Video/bihq74lnkrnfm4n3lbtg.mp421.74MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/10. Relationship Cardinality Video/bihq76lnkrnfm4n3lbu0.mp433.52MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/11. Connecting Multiple Data Tables Video/bihq77tnkrnfm4n3lbug.mp470.04MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/12. Understanding Filter Flow Video/bihq799ujavq7bbeu41g.mp442.62MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/13. Two-Way Filters -Use with Caution-- Video/bihq7ahujavq7bbeu420.mp497.65MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/14. Hiding Fields from Report View Video/bihq7cdnkrnfm4n3lbv0.mp426.93MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/15. UPDATE- New Model View Video/blvultpfq7qdcim8ibug.mp454.99MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/16. Data Model Best Practices Video/bihq7dpujavq7bbeu42g.mp46.73MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/3. Creating a Data Model/19. HOMEWORK SOLUTION- Creating a Data Model Video/bihq7ftnkrnfm4n3lbvg.mp4128.54MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/1. Introduction Video/bihq7qpujavq7bbeu430.mp48.07MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/2. Meet DAX Video/bihq7r5nkrnfm4n3lc00.mp45.91MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/3. Intro to Calculated Columns Video/bihq7stnkrnfm4n3lc0g.mp479.86MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/4. Intro to Measures Video/bihq7t5nkrnfm4n3lc10.mp414.11MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/5. RECAP- Calculated Columns vs. Measures Video/bihq7tdnkrnfm4n3lc1g.mp48.13MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/6. Adding Columns - Measures Video/bihq7u1ujavq7bbeu43g.mp420.59MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/7. Implicit vs. Explicit Measures Video/bqcfq7mhra84otn6q6bg.mp477.11MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/8. Filter Context Examples Video/bihq809ujavq7bbeu440.mp473.43MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/9. Step-by-Step Measure Calculation Video/bihq80hujavq7bbeu44g.mp415.18MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/10. DAX Syntax - Operators Video/bihq80pujavq7bbeu450.mp416.33MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/11. Common DAX Function Categories Video/bihqee1ujavq7bbeu47g.mp416.47MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/12. Basic Date - Time Functions Video/bilmu6pujavq7bbevtpg.mp4246.49MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/13. Logical Functions Video/bihqelhujavq7bbeu48g.mp4156.9MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/14. Text Functions Video/bnc1ncfrm0sa4l4mqhv0.mp4218.41MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/15. Joining Data with RELATED Video/bihqeqhujavq7bbeu490.mp498.97MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/16. Basic Math - Stats Functions Video/bihqet5nkrnfm4n3lc50.mp4151.45MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/17. COUNT Functions Video/bihqeudnkrnfm4n3lc5g.mp475.47MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/18. IMPORTANT- Order Line Items Video/bm0010pfq7qdcim8idg0.mp487.26MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/19. The CALCULATE Function Video/bihqf1pujavq7bbeu49g.mp496.74MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/20. CALCULATE - ALL Video/bihqf39ujavq7bbeu4a0.mp487.41MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/21. CALCULATE - FILTER Video/bihqf4lnkrnfm4n3lc60.mp469.62MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/22. Iterator --X-- Functions Video/bihqf6hujavq7bbeu4b0.mp4108.27MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/23. DAX Time Intelligence Formulas Video/bihqf8dnkrnfm4n3lc6g.mp4142.58MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/24. DAX Best Practices Video/bihqf8pujavq7bbeu4bg.mp414.48MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/4. Adding Calculated Fields with DAX/27. HOMEWORK SOLUTION- Adding Calculated Fields Video/bihqfclnkrnfm4n3lc70.mp4374.83MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/1. Introduction Video/bihqgg5nkrnfm4n3lc7g.mp46.7MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/2. The -Report- View Video/bqcfrtmhra84otn6q6eg.mp432.49MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/3. Adding Simple Objects Video/bqcfsdrcip4fs3fsod9g.mp420.61MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/4. Inserting Basic Charts - Visuals Video/bqcft8ehra84otn6q6h0.mp435.81MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/5. UPDATE- Conditional Formatting Video/bpb9bpu4u06v67aaqcb0.mp428.57MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/6. Formatting Options Video/bihqgndnkrnfm4n3lc90.mp474.24MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/7. Report Filtering Options Video/bqcfucehra84otn6q6j0.mp471.08MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/8. DEMO- Matrix Visuals Video/bihqgppujavq7bbeu4dg.mp479.85MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/9. DEMO- Date Slicers Video/bihqgr9ujavq7bbeu4e0.mp476.4MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/10. DEMO- Cards - KPIs Video/bihqgt9ujavq7bbeu4eg.mp4115.65MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/11. DEMO- Text Cards Video/bihqgulnkrnfm4n3lc9g.mp480.01MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/12. DEMO- Map Visuals Video/bihqi1hujavq7bbeu4g0.mp496.68MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/13. DEMO- Treemaps Video/bihqi29ujavq7bbeu4gg.mp442.54MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/14. DEMO- Line - Area Charts Video/bihqi3dnkrnfm4n3lcag.mp460.24MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/15. DEMO- Trend Lines - Forecasts Video/bihqi41ujavq7bbeu4h0.mp450.2MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/16. DEMO- Gauge Charts Video/bihqi61ujavq7bbeu4hg.mp465.69MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/17. Editing Report Interactions Video/bihqi7pujavq7bbeu4i0.mp463.78MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/18. Adding Drillthrough Filters Video/bqcfvpmhra84otn6q6lg.mp442.12MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/19. Adding Report Bookmarks Video/bihqia9ujavq7bbeu4ig.mp454.34MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/20. -What-If- Parameters Video/bihqic9ujavq7bbeu4j0.mp4134.86MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/21. Managing - Viewing Roles Video/bihqiednkrnfm4n3lcbg.mp457.36MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/22. PREVIEW- Custom Visuals -Log-in Required- Video/bihqifpujavq7bbeu4jg.mp419.93MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/23. PREVIEW- Designing for Phone vs. Desktop Video/bihqih1ujavq7bbeu4k0.mp422.76MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/24. PREVIEW- Publishing to Power BI Service Video/bihqihtnkrnfm4n3lcc0.mp427.9MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/25. Data Visualization Best Practices Video/bihqiihujavq7bbeu4kg.mp47.16MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/5. Visualizing Data with Reports/28. HOMEWORK SOLUTION- Visualizing Data with Reports Video/bihqikpujavq7bbeu4l0.mp4103.31MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/6. NEW- AI Visuals in Power BI/1. The Q-A Visual Video/bnv6dh64u06v67a9s0kg.mp489.47MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/6. NEW- AI Visuals in Power BI/2. The Key Influencers Visual -Part 1- Video/bnv6fnq894no2mlbp1l0.mp4129.55MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/6. NEW- AI Visuals in Power BI/3. The Key Influencers Visual -Part 2- Video/bnv6ggu4u06v67a9s0m0.mp439.25MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/6. NEW- AI Visuals in Power BI/4. IMPORTANT- Correlation vs. Causation Video/bnv6ima894no2mlbp1m0.mp427.41MB
Microsoft Power BI Desktop/6. NEW- AI Visuals in Power BI/5. The Decomposition Tree Visual Video/bnv6kfa894no2mlbp1og.mp485.63MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/0. Course Intro/1. Course Structure - Outline Video/c10te54erl5cdoaq4s80.mp431.78MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/0. Course Intro/3. Setting Expectations Video/c0uiajrjj09frru8ccmg.mp46.75MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/0. Course Intro/4. Helpful Resources Video/c0uiamkerl5cdoapu2pg.mp44.15MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/0. Course Intro/5. Introducing the Course Project Video/c0uiapcerl5cdoapu2rg.mp48.03MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/1. Introduction Video/c0uiascerl5cdoapu2s0.mp42.69MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/2. Meet Power BI Service Video/c0uib03jj09frru8ccrg.mp412.83MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/3. Account Types Video/c0uib4rjj09frru8ccs0.mp422.13MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/4. Common User Personas Video/c0uib7rjj09frru8ccsg.mp44.51MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/5. Creating a Power BI Account Video/c0uibb3jj09frru8ccu0.mp411.51MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/6. PRO TIP- Signing up with a Non-Work Email Video/c0uibfrjj09frru8ccug.mp422.51MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/7. Activating Your Trial Video/c0uibjjjj09frru8ccvg.mp49.38MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/8. Quick Tour of the Interface Video/c0uibnrjj09frru8cd0g.mp413.95MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/9. Workspaces Video/c0uibs3jj09frru8cd20.mp418.79MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/10. Common Workspace Actions Video/c0uibvcerl5cdoapu320.mp48.93MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/1. Introducing Power BI Service/11. Building Blocks of PBI Service Video/c0uic2kerl5cdoapu32g.mp47.79MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/2. Power BI Service Administration/1. Introduction Video/c0uic5kerl5cdoapu33g.mp43.33MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/2. Power BI Service Administration/2. Admin Roles - Types Video/c0uic8serl5cdoapu340.mp48.89MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/2. Power BI Service Administration/3. Admin Portal Settings - Options Video/c0uicdcerl5cdoapu350.mp420.73MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/2. Power BI Service Administration/4. Tenant Settings Video/c0uici4erl5cdoapu36g.mp426.27MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/2. Power BI Service Administration/5. PRO TIP- Configuring Custom Branding Video/c0uicl4erl5cdoapu370.mp410.35MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/2. Power BI Service Administration/6. BEST PRACTICES- Power BI Service Administration Video/c0uicnrjj09frru8cd40.mp44.49MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/1. Introduction Video/c0uictrjj09frru8cd5g.mp44.03MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/2. Data Connection Options Video/c0uid2bjj09frru8cd6g.mp425.47MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/3. Loading a Local File Video/c0uid5cerl5cdoapu3a0.mp47.89MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/4. Loading Data from Excel Video/c0uidbcerl5cdoapu3ag.mp440.75MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/5. PRO TIP- Loading Data from SharePoint Video/c0uidhcerl5cdoapu3b0.mp432.38MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/6. ASSIGNMENT- Loading Local Data to a Workspace Video/c0uidlcerl5cdoapu3c0.mp43.79MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/8. SOLUTION- Loading Local Data to a Workspace Video/c0uids3jj09frru8cd9g.mp438.4MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/9. Understanding Data Gateways Video/c0uie1bjj09frru8cda0.mp410.13MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/10. Setting Up a Data Gateway Video/c0uif7bjj09frru8cdf0.mp427.19MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/11. Understanding Dataflows Video/c0uifckerl5cdoapu3i0.mp424.47MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/12. Common Dataflow Use Cases Video/c0uifrserl5cdoapu3j0.mp44.8MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/13. Creating a New Dataflow Video/c0uig1bjj09frru8cdi0.mp446.77MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/14. Quick Tour of the Dataflow Interface Video/c0uig6kerl5cdoapu3k0.mp411.12MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/15. Connecting to a Dataflow in Desktop Video/c0uigcserl5cdoapu3l0.mp425.29MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/16. ASSIGNMENT- Connecting to a Dataflow Video/c0uigk4erl5cdoapu3o0.mp42MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/18. SOLUTION- Connecting to a Dataflow Video/c0uigsserl5cdoapu3og.mp453.56MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/19. DEMO- Creating a Dataflow -MySQL- Video/c0uih4rjj09frru8cdm0.mp414.14MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/20. DEMO- Creating a Dataflow -Local MySQL- Video/c0uih8rjj09frru8cdng.mp416.89MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/21. Scheduled Refresh of a Dataflow Video/c0uihdkerl5cdoapu3q0.mp424.14MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/22. DEMO- Real World Automation Setup Video/c0uihkcerl5cdoapu3sg.mp417.2MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/23. BEST PRACTICES- Connecting to Data Video/c0uihtbjj09frru8cdsg.mp44.16MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/24. ASSIGNMENT- Finishing the Power BI File Video/c0uii0serl5cdoapu40g.mp41.76MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/3. Connecting to Data/26. SOLUTION- Finishing the Power BI File Video/c0uii9jjj09frru8cdvg.mp444.79MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/1. Introduction Video/c0uiiicerl5cdoapu43g.mp43.04MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/2. Data Lineage Video/c0uiimserl5cdoapu450.mp422.85MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/3. Report Interface - Tools Video/c0uiirrjj09frru8ce0g.mp425.21MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/4. Inserting - Formatting Basic Visuals Video/c0uij4jjj09frru8ce10.mp441.98MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/5. PRO TIP- Adding Personal Bookmarks Video/c0uij94erl5cdoapu470.mp48.59MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/6. PRO TIP- Adding an Image Video/c0uijokerl5cdoapu490.mp49.05MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/7. ASSIGNMENT- Building a Report Video/c0uik64erl5cdoapu4a0.mp41.79MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/9. SOLUTION- Building a Report Video/c0uikckerl5cdoapu4ag.mp448.05MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/10. Pinning Tiles to a Dashboard Video/c0uikjkerl5cdoapu4cg.mp419.39MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/11. Pinning Entire Reports to a Dashboard Video/c0uikoserl5cdoapu4d0.mp431.58MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/12. Dashboard Interface - Tools Video/c0uiktcerl5cdoapu4e0.mp418.66MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/13. PRO TIP- Adding a Live Page Video/c0uil2rjj09frru8ce60.mp417.68MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/14. ASSIGNMENT- Assembling a Dashboard Video/c0uil9cerl5cdoapu4f0.mp43.03MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/16. SOLUTION- Assembling a Dashboard Video/c0uilj4erl5cdoapu4fg.mp435.7MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/17. Adding Data Driven Alerts Video/c0uilqserl5cdoapu4g0.mp419.14MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/18. Exploring Data with Q-A Video/c0uim03jj09frru8ceb0.mp435.28MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/19. Generating Quick Insights Video/c0uim6jjj09frru8cebg.mp429.58MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/20. Designing for Mobile Video/c0uimcjjj09frru8cecg.mp49.43MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/21. Introducing the Power BI Mobile App Video/c0uimh4erl5cdoapu4gg.mp45.91MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/22. DEMO- Power BI Mobile App Video/c0uio3jjj09frru8cei0.mp430.29MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/23. BEST PRACTICES- Reports - Dashboards Video/c0uiod3jj09frru8cej0.mp43.52MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/24. ASSIGNMENT- Alerts and Q-A Video/c0uioprjj09frru8cek0.mp41.88MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/4. Reports - Dashboards/26. SOLUTION- Alerts and Q-A Video/c0uip04erl5cdoapu4q0.mp46.9MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/1. Introduction Video/c0uip6cerl5cdoapu4rg.mp42.14MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/2. Sharing - Collaboration Options Video/c0uipckerl5cdoapu4ug.mp44.81MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/3. Sharing Reports- Dashboards - Apps Video/c0uipijjj09frru8cel0.mp414.7MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/4. Defining User Roles - Permissions Video/c0uipqserl5cdoapu4vg.mp414.15MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/5. Publishing Apps Video/c0uiq2serl5cdoapu50g.mp422.9MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/6. Publishing to Web Video/c0uiq83jj09frru8cen0.mp414.06MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/7. PRO TIP- Generating Usage Reports Video/c0valg4erl5cdoaq0c7g.mp416.28MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/8. BEST PRACTICES- Sharing - Collaboration Video/c0uiqjkerl5cdoapu51g.mp42.94MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/9. ASSIGNMENT- Sharing - Collaboration Video/c0uiqorjj09frru8ceq0.mp41.97MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/5. Sharing - Collaboration/11. SOLUTION- Sharing - Collaboration Video/c0uiqu4erl5cdoapu53g.mp413.27MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/1. Introduction Video/c0uiticerl5cdoapu5f0.mp42.01MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/2. Static RLS Video/c0uitvserl5cdoapu5g0.mp423.29MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/3. Testing RLS Video/c0uiu34erl5cdoapu5gg.mp410.8MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/4. Dynamic RLS Video/c0uiu6serl5cdoapu5hg.mp416.39MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/5. Configuring RLS in Power BI Service Video/c0uiubrjj09frru8cf70.mp428.61MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/6. BEST PRACTICES- Row-Level Security Video/c0uiuerjj09frru8cf7g.mp42.42MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/7. ASSIGNMENT- Row-Level Security Video/c0uiuj3jj09frru8cf80.mp42.18MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/6. Row-Level Security/9. SOLUTION- Row-Level Security Video/c0uiuncerl5cdoapu5mg.mp49.44MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/7. Premium Per User -Preview-/1. Introduction Video/c0uiv0cerl5cdoapu5ng.mp42.48MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/7. Premium Per User -Preview-/2. Premium Per User Workspace Video/c0uiv5jjj09frru8cfcg.mp412.66MB
Microsoft Power BI Service/7. Premium Per User -Preview-/3. Premium Per User Features Video/c0uivbserl5cdoapu5og.mp415.95MB