2016-7-26 12:23
2025-3-21 11:09
4.21 GB
- Airway Managment/AirwayManagmentNonSurgical.wmv25.97MB
- Airway Managment/AirwayManagmentSurgical.wmv12.82MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Holding_Forceps.mpeg2.76MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Instrument_Clamp.mpeg2.6MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Instrument_Tie.mpeg3.32MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Knot_Deeply_Placed.mpeg3.15MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Mesenteric_Vessel_Ligation.mpeg3.33MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Needle_holding_position.mpeg4.61MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/One_handed_surgical_knot.mpeg2MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Scalpel_blade_handling.mpeg3.37MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Scalpel_holding_and_cutting.mpeg2.36MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Skin_Suture_mattress.mpeg4.31MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Skin_Suture_simple.mpeg3.69MB
- Basic Surgical Skills/Surgeons_Knot.mpeg2.66MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/01 Introduction.mov1023.03KB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/02 Inspection.mov1.13MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/03 Auscultation.mov2.57MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/04 Percussion.mov1.29MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/05 Palpation.mov3.43MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/06 Liver.mov3.88MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/07 Spleen.mov3.91MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/08 Kidney & Aorta.mov2.7MB
- Bates' Videos/Abdomen/09 Summary.mov700.87KB
- Bates' Videos/Bates' Visual Guide to Px Pediatrics Head-to-Toe Assessment.mpg594.42MB
- Bates' Videos/Breasts and Axillae/01 Introduction.mov704.46KB
- Bates' Videos/Breasts and Axillae/02 Exam - Inspection.mov3.17MB
- Bates' Videos/Breasts and Axillae/03 Exam - Palpation.mov5.25MB
- Bates' Videos/Breasts and Axillae/04 Male Breasts.mov1.18MB
- Bates' Videos/Breasts and Axillae/05 Axillae Exam.mov3.54MB
- Bates' Videos/Breasts and Axillae/06 Summary.mov473.69KB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/01 Introduction.mov889.36KB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/02 Examination Neck Vessels.mov5.75MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/03 Inspection, Palpation and Percussion.mov6.02MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/04 Auscultation Introduction.mov2.54MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/05 Auscultation Sequence.mov6.65MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/06 Auscultation.mov3.28MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/07 S3, S4 and Murmurs.mov5.76MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Neck Vessels and Heart/08 Summary.mov521.09KB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Peripheral Vascular System/01 Introduction.mov822.42KB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Peripheral Vascular System/02 Arm Exam.mov4.64MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Peripheral Vascular System/03 Leg Exam.mov5.99MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Peripheral Vascular System/04 Edema, Insufficiency & Varicosities.mov5.02MB
- Bates' Videos/Cardiovascular Peripheral Vascular System/05 Summary.mov385.41KB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/01 Introduction.mov845.46KB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/02 Exam - External including Equipment.mov5.53MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/03 Exam - Internal.mov4.31MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/04 Pap Smear.mov3.4MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/05 Bimanual Exam.mov5.56MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/06 Rectovaginal Exam.mov5.28MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia Female Anus and Rectum/07 Summary.mov742.09KB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/01 Introduction.mov792.82KB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/02 Exam - External Standing.mov4.76MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/03 Exam - Hernias Standing.mov2.41MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/04 Exam - Lying Down.mov4.27MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/05 Exam - Rectum Lying Down.mov4.65MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/06 Exam - Rectum Standing.mov2.14MB
- Bates' Videos/Genitalia, Male Rectum and Hernias/07 Summary.mov610.71KB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/01 Introduction.mov1.22MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/02 Head Exam.mov1.65MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/03 Eye Exam Acuity & Fields.mov3.3MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/04 Eye Exam Inspection.mov4.46MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/05 Eye Exam EOMs.mov2.76MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/06 Ophthalmoscopic Exam.mov4.87MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/07 Ear Inspection.mov3.47MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/08 Hearing.mov2.38MB
- Bates' Videos/Head, Eyes and Ears/09 Summary.mov775.79KB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/01 Introduction.mov1.41MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/02 Head and Neck Examination.mov3.19MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/03 Hands and Wrists Examination.mov3.19MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/04 Elbows Examination.mov1.95MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/05 Shoulders Examination.mov2.2MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/06 Feet and Ankles Examination.mov3.24MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/07 Knees Examination.mov4.76MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/08 Hips Examination.mov3.41MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/09 Spine Examination.mov3.53MB
- Bates' Videos/Musculoskeletal System/10 Summary.mov805.36KB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/01 Introduction.mov1.14MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/02 General Observation.mov568.27KB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/03 Exam - CN I II.mov4.66MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/04 Exam - CN III IV VI.mov4.17MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/05 Exam - CN V VII.mov5.85MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/06 Exam - CN VIII.mov2.42MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/07 Exam - CN IX - XII.mov3.25MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/08 Pain Temp & Light Sensation.mov3.56MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/09 Vibration Position Sense.mov3.16MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/10 Discriminative Sensations.mov3.32MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Cranial Nerves and Sensory System/11 Summary.mov865.58KB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/01 Introduction.mov1.01MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/02 Motor System Muscle Strength.mov4.82MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/03 Lower Extremity Strength.mov3.85MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/04 Coordination.mov5.87MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/05 Stance.mov2.23MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/06 Normal Reflexes.mov8.18MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/07 Patient Lying Down.mov2.03MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/08 Abnormal Reflexes.mov2.78MB
- Bates' Videos/Neurologic Motor System and Reflexes/09 Summary.mov639.07KB
- Bates' Videos/Nose, Mouth and Neck/01 Introduction.mov1.08MB
- Bates' Videos/Nose, Mouth and Neck/02 Nose Examination.mov2.55MB
- Bates' Videos/Nose, Mouth and Neck/03 Mouth Examination.mov3.38MB
- Bates' Videos/Nose, Mouth and Neck/04 Neck Examination.mov4.59MB
- Bates' Videos/Nose, Mouth and Neck/05 Summary.mov657.27KB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/01 Introduction.mov972.91KB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/02 Posterior Inspection.mov2.45MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/03 Posterior Palpation.mov2.22MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/04 Posterior Percussion.mov2.69MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/05 Normal Breath Sounds.mov3.86MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/06 Adventitious Sounds.mov2.62MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/07 Posterior Auscultation.mov5.41MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/08 Anterior Inspection and Palpation.mov2.37MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/09 Anterior Percussion.mov1.9MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/10 Anterior Auscultation.mov3.64MB
- Bates' Videos/Thorax and Lungs/11 Summary.mov609.57KB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/abdominal.wmv22.84MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/arterial_blood_gas.wmv17.3MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/catheterization-female.wmv30.35MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/catheterization-male.wmv32.92MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/chest_expansion.wmv4.81MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/cvs.wmv22.18MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/percussion.wmv3.1MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/peripheral_venous_access.wmv17.13MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/phlebotomy.wmv12.84MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/respiratory.wmv17.07MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/thyroid.wmv20.6MB
- Clinical Examination Videos - Dalhousie/tracheal_deviation.wmv1.76MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - Abdominal.wmv22.84MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - Chest Expansion.wmv4.81MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - Percussion.wmv3.1MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - The Basic Cardiovascular Examination.wmv22.18MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - The Basic Respiratory Examination.wmv17.07MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - The Thyroid Gland Examination.wmv20.6MB
- Clinical Skills Online - St. George's University of London/Clinical Examination - Tracheal Deviation.wmv1.76MB
- Examination Videos/abdominal.wmv25.88MB
- Examination Videos/cardiology.wmv20.13MB
- Examination Videos/neurology.wmv41.72MB
- Examination Videos/pulmonary.wmv24.3MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/abd1.wmv43.21MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/abd2.wmv56MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/breast1.wmv23.28MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/breast2.wmv24.16MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/female1.wmv34.39MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/female2.wmv16.38MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/female3.wmv33.25MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/female4.wmv28.54MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/heart1.wmv70.22MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/heart2.wmv56.09MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/knee.wmv60.15MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/lowerext.wmv57.69MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/male1.wmv27.84MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/male2.wmv21.61MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/male3.wmv21.86MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/male4.wmv26.63MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neonate1.wmv61.97MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neonate2.wmv56.19MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neonate3.wmv65.14MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro1-screening.wmv59.74MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro1.wmv25.43MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro2.wmv23.13MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro3.wmv24.43MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro4.wmv58.09MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro5.wmv38.17MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/neuro6.wmv23.81MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/oralpres1.wmv42.7MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/oralpres2.wmv31.47MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/oralpres3.wmv48.66MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/resp1.wmv19.37MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/resp2.wmv21.78MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/thorax1.wmv25.39MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/thorax2.wmv22.59MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/upperext1.wmv60.26MB
- Loyola University Health System - IPM Physical Exam Series/upperext2.wmv65.71MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/01.mpg47.85MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/02.mpg13.33MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/03.mpg86.68MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/04.mpg33.35MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/05.mpg21.32MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/06.mpg23.48MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/07.mpg42.17MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/08.mpg23.42MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/09.mpg20.04MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/10.mpg31.21MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/11.mpg50.01MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/12.mpg10.96MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/13.mpg29.27MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/14.mpg21.67MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/15.mpg92.9MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/16.mpg48.07MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/17.mpg30.36MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/18.mpg13.19MB
- Mark H. Swartz - Physical Diagnosis/19.mpg13.27MB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/01 - Developmental Milestones.mov1.21MB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/02 - Screening Tools.mov135.23KB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/03 - Key Principles.mov396.99KB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/04 - Head Circumference.mov407.19KB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/05 - First - Stop, Look, and Listen.mov964.17KB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/06 - Second - Make it a Game.mov1.02MB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/07 - Third - Save the Worst for Last.mov453.7KB
- Newborn to 30 months/01 - INTRODUCTION/08 - General Physician Examination.mov662.9KB
- Newborn to 30 months/02 - DEVOLPMENTAL ANATOMY/01 - Major Events in Brain Development.mov7.18MB
- Newborn to 30 months/02 - DEVOLPMENTAL ANATOMY/02 - Brain Growth.mov2.1MB
- Newborn to 30 months/02 - DEVOLPMENTAL ANATOMY/03 - Neuronal Growth and Organization.mov13.21MB
- Newborn to 30 months/02 - DEVOLPMENTAL ANATOMY/04 - Myelination and Development.mov16.33MB
- Newborn to 30 months/02 - DEVOLPMENTAL ANATOMY/05 - Cerebral Hemisphere Myelination.mov5.98MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/01 - Behavior.mov2.94MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/02 - Cranial Nerves.mov2.05MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/03 - Tone - Resting Posture.mov453.84KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/04 - Tone - Upper Extremity Tone.mov842.71KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/05 - Tone - Arm Traction.mov1.02MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/06 - Tone - Arm Recoil.mov894.78KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/07 - Tone - Scarf Sign.mov1.11MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/08 - Tone - Hand Position.mov455.78KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/09 - Tone - Lower Extremity Tone.mov1.71MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/10 - Tone - Leg Traction.mov298.15KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/11 - Tone - Leg Recoil.mov494.22KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/12 - Tone - Popliteal Angle.mov1.95MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/13 - Tone - Heel to Ear.mov922.24KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/14 - Tone - Neck Tone.mov325.91KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/15 - Tone Head Lag.mov661.08KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/16 - Tone - Head Control.mov453.76KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/17 - Positions - Prone.mov1001.14KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/18 - Positions - Ventral Suspension.mov556.02KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/19 - Positions - Vertical Suspension.mov323.68KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/20 - Reflexes - Deep Tendon Reflexes.mov1.56MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/21 - Reflexes Plantar Reflex.mov1.07MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/22 - Primitive Reflexes - Suck, Root.mov1.38MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/23 - Primitive Reflexes - Moro.mov582.86KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/24 - Primitve Reflexes - Galant.mov605.54KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/25 - Primitive Reflexes - Stepping.mov546.2KB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/26 - Primitive Reflexes - Grasp.mov1.94MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/27 - Head Shape and Sutures.mov1.06MB
- Newborn to 30 months/03 - NEWBORN NORMAL/28 - Head Circumference.mov615.62KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/01 - Behavior.mov5.23MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/02 - Cranial Nerves.mov1.53MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/03 - Tone - Resting Posture.mov438.32KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/04 - Tone - Upper Extremity Tone.mov1.66MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/05 - Tone - Arm Traction.mov1.06MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/06 - Tone - Arm Recoil.mov1.48MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/07 - Tone - Scarf Sign.mov1.19MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/08 - Tone - Hand Position.mov1013.49KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/09 - Tone - Lower Extremity Tone.mov2.45MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/10 - Tone - Leg Traction.mov836.64KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/11 - Tone - Leg Recoil.mov1.14MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/12 - Tone - Popliteal Angle.mov1.15MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/13 - Tone - Heel to Ear.mov960.7KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/14 - Tone - Neck Tone.mov578.76KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/15 - Tone Head Lag.mov895.94KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/16 - Tone - Head Control.mov1.19MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/17 - Positions - Prone.mov1.95MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/18 - Positions - Ventral Suspension.mov1.32MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/19 - Positions - Vertical Suspension.mov891.09KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/20 - Reflexes - Deep Tendon Reflexes.mov3.63MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/21 - Reflexes Plantar Reflex.mov2.36MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/22 - Primitive Reflexes - Suck, Root.mov1.29MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/23 - Primitive Reflexes - Moro.mov1.33MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/24 - Primitve Reflexes - Galant.mov962.95KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/25 - Primitive Reflexes - Stepping.mov440.17KB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/26 - Primitive Reflexes - Grasp.mov1.7MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/27 - Head Shape and Sutures.mov1.65MB
- Newborn to 30 months/04 - NEWBORN ABNORMAL/28 - Head Circumference.mov1010.56KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/01 - Behavior.mov1.28MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/02 - Cranial Nerves.mov1.03MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/03 - Motor - Upper Extremity Tone.mov731.08KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/04 - Motor - Hand Movements.mov1.61MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/05 - Motor - Lower Extremity Tone.mov1MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/06 - Motor - Head and Trunk Control .mov1.05MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/07 - Positions - Supine.mov517.17KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/08 - Positions - Prone.mov1.22MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/09 - Positions - Ventral Suspension.mov555.87KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/10 - Positions - Vertical Suspension.mov712.3KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/11 - Reflexes - Deep Tendon Reflexes.mov2.61MB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/12 - Reflexes - Plantar Reflex.mov672.23KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/13 - Primitive Reflexes - Root.mov217.59KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/14 - Primitive Reflexes - Moro.mov550.21KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/15 - Primitive Reflexes - Galant.mov534.29KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/16 - Primitive Reflexes - Grasp.mov749.81KB
- Newborn to 30 months/05 - 3 MONTHS/17 - Primitive Reflexes - Asymmetric Tonic Neck.mov1.84MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/01 - Behavior.mov808.19KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/02 - Cranial Nerves.mov3.6MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/03 - Motor - Sitting.mov1.81MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/04 - Motor - Hand.mov1.87MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/05 - Motor - Tone.mov1.14MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/06 - Motor - Traction.mov757.91KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/07 - Positions - Prone.mov3.77MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/08 - Reflexes - Deep Tendon Reflexes.mov1.95MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/09 - Reflexes - Plantar Reflexes.mov522.67KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/10 - Primitive Reflexes.mov1.04MB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/11 - Postural Reflexes - Positive Support Reflex.mov375.32KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/12 - Postural Reflexes - Landau .mov538.62KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/13 - Postural Reflexes - Lateral Propping.mov911.26KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/14 - Postural Reflexes - Parachute.mov615.45KB
- Newborn to 30 months/06 - 6 MONTHS/15 - Head Examination.mov253.36KB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/01 - Behavior - Shy.mov2.78MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/02 - Behavior - Social and Language.mov1.5MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/03 - Cranial Nerves.mov1.08MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/04 - Motor - Tone.mov962.77KB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/05 - Motor Reflexes - Deep Tendon Reflexes.mov1.38MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/06 - Motor Reflexes - Plantar Reflex.mov1.19MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/07 - Motor Postural Reflexes - Parachute.mov421.32KB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/08 - Motor Coordination - Pincer Grasp.mov2.22MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/09 - Motor Coordination - Beads in the Cup.mov1.85MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/10 - Motor Coordination - Play Ball.mov1.3MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/11 - Motor - Transition in and out of Sitting.mov765.35KB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/12 - Motor - Creeping.mov563.03KB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/13 - Motor - Stoop and Recover.mov853.93KB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/14 - Motor Gait - Stand, Walks with Support.mov1.66MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/15 - Motor Gait - Toddler's Gait.mov3.05MB
- Newborn to 30 months/07 - 12 MONTHS/16 - Head Circumference.mov998.81KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/01 - Behavior Mental Status - Wants.mov1.09MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/02 - Behavior Mental Status - Understanding.mov2.79MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/03 - Behavior Mental Status - Points to Pictures.mov1.94MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/04 - Behavior Mental Status - Points to Body Parts.mov1.15MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/05 - Cranial Nerves.mov490.91KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/06 -Fine Motor Coordination - Blocks in.mov512.17KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/07 - Fine Motor Coordination - Beads in Cup.mov799.31KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/08 - Fine Motor Coordination - Stacking Blocks .mov724.13KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/09 - Fine Motor Coordination - Pincer Grasp and Handedness.mov1.03MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/10 - Fine Motor Coordination - DrawingScribbling.mov1016.43KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/11 - Motor - Tone.mov630.06KB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/12 - Motor Reflexes - Deep Tendon ReflexesPlantar Reflex .mov1.57MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/13 - Motor - Throwing Ball .mov1.4MB
- Newborn to 30 months/08 - 18 MONTHS/14 - Motor Gait - Walking.mov3.63MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/01 - Behavior Mental Status - Establishing Relationship.mov1.04MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/02 - Behavior Mental Status - Follows Commands.mov1.06MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/03 - Behavior Mental Status - Points to Pictures.mov2.5MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/04 - Behavior Mental Status - Names Pictures.mov1.54MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/05 - Behavior Mental Status - Response to Questions.mov1.44MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/06 - Behavior Mental Status - Pointing to and Naming Body Parts.mov2.36MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/07 - Fine Motor Coordination - Using Puppets.mov2.06MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/08 - Fine Motor Coordination - Using Measuring Tape.mov1.58MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/09 - Fine Motor Coordination - Block Tower.mov2.14MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/10 - Fine Motor Coordination - Drawing.mov1.52MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/11 - Motor - Tone.mov772.2KB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/12 - Motor Reflexes - Deep Tendon Reflexes.mov1.56MB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/13 - Motor - Kicking and Throwing a Ball.mov913.91KB
- Newborn to 30 months/09 - 30 MONTHS/14 - Motor Gait - Walking, Running.mov2.81MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general abdominal exam.mov14.9MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general cardiovascular exam.mov17.41MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general chest exam.mov18.69MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general eye exam.mov29.55MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general HEENT exam.mov32.14MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general musculoskeletal exam.mov45.74MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/general neurologic exam.mov31.18MB
- Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant/vital signs.mov10.41MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheCardiovascularSys.avi60.61MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheCranialNerves41.avi48.47MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheFeetandAnkles10.avi24.71MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheGastrointestinalS.avi41.92MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheHandsandWrists7.avi48.83MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheKnees910.avi43.97MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheLowerLimbs610.avi78.86MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheRespiratorySystem.avi56.04MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheShoulders810.avi18.31MB
- Physical Exams/PhysicalTheUpperLimbs510.avi73.15MB
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