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- Encyclopedia of Genetics, v1-4, 2003/Genetics Vol 1, A-D - Macmillan Science Library.pdf76.94MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetics, v1-4, 2003/Genetics Vol 2, E-I - Macmillan Science Library.pdf59.74MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetics, v1-4, 2003/Genetics Vol 3, K-P - Macmillan Science Library.pdf63.77MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetics, v1-4, 2003/Genetics Vol 4, R-Z - Macmillan Science Library.pdf56.05MB
- A Dictionary of Genetics, 2006, p.609.pdf10.24MB
- A History of Genetics, 2001, p.107.pdf504.22KB
- A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics, 2007, p.411.pdf1.9MB
- A Primer of Conservation Genetics, 2004, p.236.pdf3.73MB
- A Short History of Medical Genetics, 2008, p.570.pdf11.08MB
- ABC of Clinical Genetics, 2002, p.129.pdf2.53MB
- Adaptive Genetic Variation in the Wild, 2000, p.276.pdf17.33MB
- Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease, 2009, p.434.pdf15.47MB
- Advances in Genetics, v.49, 2003, p.201.pdf2.3MB
- Advances in Genetics, v.60. Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits, 2008, p.750.pdf8.63MB
- Advances in Genome Biology, v.4. Genetics of Sex Determination, 1996, p.387.pdf19.26MB
- Alkaliphiles. Genetic Properties and Applications of Enzymes, 2006, p.241.pdf11.13MB
- Allergy Frontiers. Epigenetics, Allergens and Risk Factors, v.1, 2009, p.441.pdf11.43MB
- An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, 1999, p.162.pdf6.2MB
- An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, 2002, p.306.pdf5.65MB
- An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, 2008, p.350.pdf7.58MB
- Applied Genetics in Healthcare. A Handbook for Specialist Practitioners, 2005, p.248.pdf2.57MB
- Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation, 2002, p.450.pdf2.79MB
- Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics, 2006, p.582.pdf8.56MB
- Behavioral Genetics in the Postgenomic Era, p.595.pdf40.64MB
- Beyond Genetics. The User's Guide to DNA, 2003, p.241.pdf1.99MB
- Biochemistry and Genetics, 2007, p.514.pdf2.95MB
- Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2003, p.173.pdf2.02MB
- Cancer Epigenetics, 2009, p.472.pdf5.29MB
- Cancer-Related Genetic Testing and Counseling, 2007, p.135.pdf831.06KB
- Cardiovascular Development and Congenital Malformations. Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms, 2005, p.346.pdf5.25MB
- Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics for the Cardiologist, 2007, p.329.pdf2.36MB
- Cellular Genetic Algorithms, 2008, p.246.pdf5.56MB
- Citrus. Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, 2007, p.381.pdf8.64MB
- Clinics in Laboratory Medicine. Pharmacogenetics, 2008, p.178.pdf2.91MB
- Clonality. The Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution of Sexual Abstinence in Vertebrate Animals, 2008, p.250.pdf4.42MB
- Color Atlas of Genetics, 2001, p.469.pdf30.48MB
- Color Atlas of Genetics, 2007, p.497.pdf15.18MB
- Concepts in Genetic Medicine, 2008, p.370.pdf3.46MB
- Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods, 2004, p.246.pdf1.53MB
- Current Topics in Human Genetics. Studies in Complex Diseases, 2007, p.963.pdf7.5MB
- Cytogenetics, FISH and Molecular Testing in Hematologic Malignancies, 2008, p.334.pdf15.43MB
- Designing Our Descendants. The Promises and Perils of Genetic Modifications, 2003, p.385.pdf1.55MB
- Diagnostic Techniques in Genetics, 2006, p.272.pdf3.13MB
- dsRNA Genetic Elements. Concepts and Applications in Agriculture, Forestry, and Medicine, 2002, p.301.pdf6.59MB
- Ecological Traits and Genetic Variation in Amazonian Populations of the Neotropical Millipede Poratia Obliterata, 2007, p.198.pdf7.3MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, v.1-2, 2002, p.1338.pdf12.47MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetics, 2004, p.889.pdf15.19MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, p.4046.pdf42.83MB
- Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics, and Informatics, 2008, p.1822.pdf56.44MB
- Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, v.10. Genetic Methods of Polymer Synthesis, p.53.pdf339.04KB
- Epigenetics in Biology and Medicine, 2009, p.316.pdf7.2MB
- Evolution and Genetics, 2008, p.112.pdf9.55MB
- Evolution Through Genetic Exchange, 2006, p.271.pdf5.13MB
- Evolutionary Genetics, 1999, p.362.pdf21.73MB
- Functional Genetics of Industrial Yeasts, 2003, p.375.pdf11.63MB
- Garden Genetics. Teaching with Edible Plants, 2006, p.364.pdf7.56MB
- Genetic Aberrancies and Neurodegenerative Disorders, 1999, p.443.pdf7.31MB
- Genetic Basis for Respiratory Control Disorders, 2008, p.349.pdf12.41MB
- Genetic Diseases of the Kidney, 2009, p.788.pdf21MB
- Genetic Engineering and the World Trade System, 2008, p.368.pdf1.98MB
- Genetic Engineering, 2006, p.327.pdf2.08MB
- Genetic Fuzzy Systems, 2001, p.489.pdf6.49MB
- Genetic Governance. Health, Risk and Ethics in the Biotech Era, 2005, p.209.pdf958.24KB
- Genetic Hearing Loss, 2004, p.500.pdf7.06MB
- Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops, 2008, p.467.pdf7.63MB
- Genetic Improvement of Solanaceous Crops, v.2. Tomato, 2007, p.646.pdf6.05MB
- Genetic Information. Acquisition, Access, and Control, 1999, p.331.pdf22.33MB
- Genetic Nature-Culture. Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide, 2003, p.331.pdf2.82MB
- Genetic Privacy. A Challenge to Medico-Legal Norms, 2004, p.362.pdf3.53MB
- Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VI, 2009, p.281.pdf4.46MB
- Genetic Programming. On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection, 1998, p.609.pdf5.25MB
- Genetic Variation in Taste Sensitivity, 2004, p.274.pdf2.39MB
- Genetically Engineered Foods, 1998, p.102.pdf1.07MB
- Genetically Modified Crops. Their Development, Uses, and Risks, 2004, p.416.pdf7.73MB
- Genetics and Auditory Disorders, 2002, p.332.pdf14.98MB
- Genetics and DNA Technology. Legal Aspects, 2002, p.151.pdf3.7MB
- Genetics and Genetic Engineering, 2008, p.171.pdf5.78MB
- Genetics and Genomics of Soybean, 2008, p.405.pdf10.65MB
- Genetics and Human Behaviour. The Ethical Context, 2002, p.258.pdf2.51MB
- Genetics and Molecular Biology of Rhythms in Drosophila and Other Insects, v.48, 2003, p.289.pdf5.99MB
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- Genetics and the Logic of Evolution, 2004, p.538.pdf16.43MB
- Genetics Databases, 1999, p.311.pdf15.59MB
- Genetics for Dummies, 2005, p.385.pdf7.24MB
- Genetics for ENT Specialists, 2005, p.270.pdf1.35MB
- Genetics for Healthcare Professionals. A Lifestage Approach, 2002, p.189.pdf2.67MB
- Genetics in Practice. A Clinical Approach for Healthcare Practitioners, 2008, p.291.pdf4.2MB
- Genetics of Angiogenesis, 2003, p.241.pdf4.15MB
- Genetics of Colorectal Cancer, 2009, p.300.pdf2.68MB
- Genetics of Steroid Biosynthesis and Function, 2005, p.504.pdf5.95MB
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- Genetics. Principles and Analysis, 1998, p.1367.pdf24.52MB
- Handbook of Behavior Genetics, 2009, p.557.pdf9.53MB
- Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders, 2003, p.364.pdf1.31MB
- Handbook of Maize. Genetics and Genomics, 2009, p.779.pdf30.22MB
- Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes, 2008, p.688.pdf4.68MB
- Hematopathology. Morphology, Immunophenotype, Cytogenetics and Molecular Approaches, 2008, p.577.pdf82.48MB
- Homology Effects. Advances in Genetics, 2002, p.565.pdf4.51MB
- Human Genetics. Concepts and Applications, 2003, p.494.pdf85.4MB
- Immunogenetics of Autoimmune Disease, 2006, p.168.pdf11.3MB
- Introduction to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, 2008, p.812.pdf8.54MB
- Introduction to Molecular Genetics and Genomics, p.132.pdf4.24MB
- Is Human Nature Obsolete. Genetics, Bioengineering, and the Future of the Human Condition, 2005, p.434.pdf3.75MB
- Laboratory Guide to the Methods in Biochemical Genetics, 2008, p.865.pdf16.22MB
- Likelihood, Bayesian and MCMC Methods in Quantitative Genetics, 2002, p.758.pdf13.7MB
- Marijuana Chemistry. Genetics, Processing and Potency, p.207.pdf2.99MB
- Methods in Cell Biology, v.60. The Zebrafish. Genetics and Genomics, 1999, p.428.pdf7.15MB
- Methods in Enzymology, v.350. Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology Part B.pdf77.08MB
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- Methods in Enzymology, v.353. Redox Cell Biology and Genetics Part B.pdf43.05MB
- Methods in Enzymology, v.421. Advanced Bacterial Genetics.pdf2.82MB
- Methods in Enzymology, v.429. Translation Initiation Extract Systems and Molecular Genetics.pdf4.53MB
- Methods in Molecular Biology, v.204. Molecular Cytogenetics. Protocols and Applications, p.389.pdf4.24MB
- Methods in Molecular Biology, v.217. Neurogenetics. Methods and Protocols, p.390.pdf5.76MB
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- Methods in Molecular Biology, v.260. Mobile Genetic Elements. Protocols and Genomic Applications, p.277.pdf3.75MB
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- Methods in Molecular Biology, v.506. Genetic Modification of Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Methods and Protocols, 2009, p.500.pdf8.03MB
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- Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Forest Trees, 2004, p.468.pdf9.91MB
- Molecular Genetics and the Human Personality, 2002, p.377.pdf1.31MB
- Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, 2004, p.360.pdf4.17MB
- Molecular Genetics of Cancer, 2005, p.677.pdf4.31MB
- Molecular Population Genetics and Evolution, 1975, p.290.pdf6.5MB
- Neurogenetic Developmental Disorders, 2007, p.508.pdf5.22MB
- Neurogenetics of Psychiatric Disorders, 2007, p.232.pdf3.18MB
- New Genetics, New Identities, 2007, p.209.pdf1.35MB
- New Genetics, New Social Formation, 2007, p.305.pdf1.95MB
- Petunia. Evolutionary, Developmental and Physiological Genetics, 2009, p.451.pdf18.35MB
- Plant Adaptation. Molecular Genetics and Ecology, 2004, p.173.pdf5.52MB
- Plant Biotechnology and Genetics, 2008, p.402.pdf60.89MB
- Plant Biotechnology. Current and Future Applications of Genetically Modified Crops, 2006, p.317.pdf2.12MB
- Plant Genetic Engineering. Towards the Third Millennium, 2000, p.283.pdf18.05MB
- Plant Genetics and Genomics. Crops and Models, v.3. Genetics and Genomics of Cotton, 2009, p.510.pdf7.1MB
- Population Genetics. A Concise Guide, 1998, p.181.pdf8.82MB
- Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, 2003, p.721.pdf8.92MB
- Practical Genetic Algorithms, 2004. p.261.pdf2.65MB
- Principles of Cancer Genetics, 2008, p.333.pdf3.31MB
- Rice Genetics III, 1996, p.1031.pdf7.84MB
- Rice Genetics IV, 2001, p.500.pdf4.25MB
- Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, 2006, p.432.pdf2.21MB
- Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Genetics, 1991, p.458.pdf13.22MB
- Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods, 2004, p.342.pdf6.64MB
- The Behavioral Genetics of Psychopathology. A Clinical Guide, 2005, p.224.pdf11.74MB
- The Downy Mildews - Genetics, Molecular Biology and Control, 2008, p.200.pdf4.67MB
- The Facts on File Dictionary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, 2006, p.288.pdf2.48MB
- The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, v.1-2, 2002, p.1338.pdf13.05MB
- The Gene Illusion. Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychology Under the Microscope, 2004, p.417.pdf3.53MB
- The Genetics and Biology of Sex Determination, 2002, p.275.pdf2.22MB
- The Genetics of the Dog, 2001, p.571.pdf5.43MB
- The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping. Genetic and Physical Mapping, 2005, p.403.pdf10.56MB
- The Lucent Library of Science and Technology. Genetics, 2004, p.102.pdf3.68MB
- The Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurologic and Psychiatric Disease, 2007.chm36.51MB
- The Science of Genetic and Reproductive Technologies, 2003, p.305.pdf4.54MB
- The Skeleton. Biochemical, Genetic, and Molecular Interactions in Development and Homeostasis, 2004, p.447.pdf11.95MB
- The Triplet Genetic Code Key to Living Organisms, 2001, p.141.pdf6.2MB
- The Troubled Dream of Genetic Medicine, 2006, p.260.pdf3.15MB
- Tomorrow’s Table. Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food, 2008, p.227.pdf3.19MB
- Trichoderma and Gliocladium, v.1. Basic Biology, Taxonomy and Genetics, 1998, p.293.pdf6.49MB
- USMLE Step1 Lecture Notes. Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, 2006, p.415.pdf389.45MB
- USMLE Step1. PreTest. Biochemistry and Genetics, 2002, p.426.pdf4.32MB
- Wondergenes. Genetic Enhancement and the Future of Society, 2003, p.241.pdf869.23KB
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