Course/22. Fitness App - Fragments & Navigation Component/10. Use Overflow Menu With Navigation.mp468.72MB
Course/22. Fitness App - Fragments & Navigation Component/3. What Is Fragment.mp437.23MB
Course/22. Fitness App - Fragments & Navigation Component/1. What We Will Build by The End of This Section.mp431.76MB
Course/22. Fitness App - Fragments & Navigation Component/5. Add the Fragment to An Activity.mp419.86MB
Course/23. Advanced Kotlin/3. Overriding a Function.mp461.34MB
Course/23. Advanced Kotlin/1. const val vs. val.mp442.51MB
Course/23. Advanced Kotlin/2. What are Enums.mp440.58MB
Course/23. Advanced Kotlin/4. What is an Interface.mp437.5MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/4. Creating a List with A RecyclerView.mp4415.49MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/10. Read from Table.mp4183.08MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/11. Extract One Specific Diary(Row).mp4164.72MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/6. Create a New Diary.mp4152.87MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/9. Insert New Diary.mp4119.83MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/14. How to Avoid Losing a Diary.mp4109.22MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/13. Delete a Diary.mp4106.58MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/8. Create a Table and Connect to Database.mp497.37MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/1. What We Will Build by the End of This Section.mp456.75MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/12. Update a Diary.mp442.44MB
Course/24. My Diary App - SQLite & RecyclerView/7. Why using SQLite and How.mp45.81MB
Course/25. Movie Rental App - Advance ConstraintLayout/6. Use Barrier and Finish your Layout.mp4228.23MB
Course/25. Movie Rental App - Advance ConstraintLayout/5. Using GuideLines in the Layout.mp480.83MB
Course/25. Movie Rental App - Advance ConstraintLayout/4. Introduction to GuideLines.mp449.25MB
Course/25. Movie Rental App - Advance ConstraintLayout/1. What We Are going to Build By the End of This Section.mp414.72MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/3. Lets Create the Design.mp4261.11MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/6. Read Musics from Device Storage.mp4168.82MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/4. Create Adapter for Recycler.mp4146.59MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/7. Lets Play Song.mp4145.19MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/9. Create Timer with Handler.mp4129.13MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/8. How to Create an Interface and use it In Action.mp4109.04MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/5. Add Permissions that We Need.mp4102.54MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/10. Skip to Next and Previous Song.mp442.6MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/11. Seek to a Specific Position.mp435.69MB
Course/26. MusicPlayer App - MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface/1. What We are Going to Build by the End of This Section.mp420.27MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/16. Material Design Text Field & SharedPreferences.mp4358.03MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/7. Using a GridView.mp4175.13MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/12. How to Use Include Tag in your XML layout.mp4151.29MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/5. Navigating Between Fragments with a ViewPager.mp4143.33MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/15. Using an Implicit Intent to Choose an Image.mp4113.87MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/13. CircleImageView and Intents.mp4106.78MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/8. RecyclerView with a GridLayoutManager.mp489MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/1. What We'll Build By the End of This Section.mp478.61MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/6. Incorporating Tablayout with the ViewPager.mp466.13MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/9. RecyclerView with a StaggeredGridLayoutManager.mp462.9MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/10. Using CardView for RecyclerView Items.mp438.85MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/3. Description of the Skeleton Project.mp418.76MB
Course/27. BookStore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )/4. What is a ViewPager.mp411.64MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/6. Google Sign In with Firebase.mp4489.54MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/11. Send Text Message and Image.mp4335.05MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/9. Making Our MessageViewHolder.mp4301.84MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/10. Read Message from Firebase Real Time Database.mp4256.78MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/12. Signing out From the Chat App.mp4143.14MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/5. Setting Up Firebase.mp4131.48MB
Course/28. Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)/8. Using Firebase Realtime Database.mp495.62MB