Ray Mears Demonstrations
2013-10-16 06:08
2025-3-3 17:43
6 GB
- Baking Bread, Folden Saw, Embers, Crook Pot - Ray Mears _ Baking Bread.avi217.27MB
- Hanging Multiple Pots, Hard Ground, Fancy Pot Hanger - Ray Mears _ Multiple Pots hard ground.avi155.94MB
- Sharpening a Knife at Camp, Wheat Stones - Ray Mears _ Sharpening a Knife at Camp.avi126.61MB
- Leaves Sandwitches, Lime Tree - wild.britain.with.ray.mears.s01e01.hdtv.xvid-ftp.avi123.25MB
- Emergency Night in Winter, Tajga Zima Schronienie Szałas Rozpałka Porost Śnieg Mróz Śpiwór Ogień Sosna - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E02 - Arctic Survival.avi105.42MB
- Transpiration Bag - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E01_-_The_Desert.avi103.57MB
- Birch Bark Container, Spruce Root & Resin - Ray Mears Northern Wilderness S01E03 - Samuel Hearne.AVI93.45MB
- Gathering and Cooking Seafood, Low Tide, Razorshell - (2007) Ray Mears Wild Food S01E02 - Coast.avi93.28MB
- Setting Jungle Camp, Tarp, Hammock - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E03 - Solomon.avi93.27MB
- Replacing Axe Handle - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e05.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi85.88MB
- Bushtucker Man - Wild Edibles of Australia - (2008) Ray Mears Goes Walkabout S01E02 - Bushtucker Man.avi73MB
- Fire Bow in Tropics, Dry Grass - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E03_-_Torres_Strait.avi71.4MB
- Russian Oil, Birch Tar - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi70.33MB
- Hot to Proper Use a Machete - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E03 - Solomon.avi70.12MB
- Bear, Tracks, Bear Bags - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi67.03MB
- Cedar Bark Container, Sapling Cordage - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e06.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi64.03MB
- Baobab - Fruit Drink and Other Uses - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E04_-_rock_Art.avi62.94MB
- Emergency Night in Woods , (2009) Ray Mears Northern Wilderness S01E01 - Boreal Forest.AVI62.05MB
- Hanging Multiple Pots, Soft Ground - Ray Mears _ Multiple Pots soft ground.flv61.65MB
- Building Lean Shelter, Proper Match Lighting - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi60.7MB
- Rabbit Snares - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e05.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi59.69MB
- Leaching Acorns, Grindstones - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi59.64MB
- Cutting with a Knife, Tent Pegs - Ray Mears _ Cutting with a Knife.flv57.06MB
- Salmon on a Stick, Fileting, Cooking, Root as Cordage - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E03 - Alaska Solomon.avi55.09MB
- Iron Ferrite, Prehistoric Firesteel, Amadou - Ray Mears' Wild Food (2).avi52.59MB
- All about Cattail, Gathering and Making Starch Paste - Ray Mears' Wild Food (3).avi52.18MB
- Sharpening a Machete, Bench, Jungle, Liana - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E02 - Solomon.avi50.66MB
- Firelighting, Mind, Birch Bark - Ray Mears _ How to Light a Fire.flv49.46MB
- Choosing and Using an Axe, Spliting - Ray Mears _ Choosing and Using an Axe.flv48.81MB
- Snow Shelter T-Shaped, Shovel, Candle- Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E05 - Mountain Survival.avi46.99MB
- Hanging Multiple Pots, Tripod, Saplings Cordage - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e02.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi46.28MB
- How to make a container from birch bark - Extras.mp440.85MB
- Trapping and Cooking Crayfish, Dogwood - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi40.7MB
- Ice Fishing Traps - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E02 - Arctic Survival.avi40.18MB
- Desert Survival in Car, Signaling - (2000) Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E01 - Sahara Desert.AVI39.72MB
- Paperbark Shelter and Other Uses, Tinder - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E03_-_Torres_Strait.avi39.6MB
- Adjustable Pot Hanger, Knife - Ray Mears _ Height Adjustable Hook.flv39.54MB
- Hawthorn Jelly - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi39.24MB
- Improvised Buffalo Hide Boat, Willow, Flint, Raw Hide - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi39.02MB
- Cooking Pit, Earth Oven, Fish, Coconut Leaves, Hot Stones - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E06 - Desert Island Survival.avi38.74MB
- Desert Driving, Sand Mates, Shovel - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E01 - The Sahara Desert.avi38.69MB
- Making Willow Bark Cordage, Charcoal, Leaching - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi38.25MB
- Reindeer Moss, Skinning a Reindeer - Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 2.avi37.7MB
- Buckhawthorne Fruit Juice - Ray Mears' Wild Food (2).avi37.15MB
- Coconut Tree Shelter and Other Uses - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E06 - Desert Island.avi37.07MB
- Fixing a Hole in Life Raft, Ocean - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E04 - Sea Survival.avi36.82MB
- Desert Plants for String and Soap, Agave, Yucca - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E05 - The Arizona Desert.avi36.53MB
- Making a Jerky - Ray Mears' Wild Food (4).avi36.32MB
- Steaming Fish in Sand, Willow and Cedar Bark - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e06.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi36.03MB
- Sharpening a Knife in the Field, Diamond Sharpener, Nails - Ray Mears _ Sharpening a Knife in the Field.flv35.21MB
- Tips how to Survive Bear Attack - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi35.12MB
- Looking After Your Axe, Leen Seed Oil - Ray Mears _ Looking After Your Axe.flv34.82MB
- Billabong Camp, Paperbark, Pandanas, Mussels - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E06 - Arnhem Land_CUT.avi34.65MB
- How to carve a needle and gauge for net making - Extras.mp434.28MB
- Young Leaves Salad, Shish Kebab - (2005) Ray Mears Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi34.28MB
- Cooking Pit, Earth Oven, Meat and Burdock Root, Leaves - Ray Mears' Wild Food (4).avi34.09MB
- Stuffed Eel in Hot Sand, Flint Blade - Ray Mears' Wild Food (2).avi33.21MB
- Cooking Fish in Sphagnum Moss, Stone- Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 3.avi32.57MB
- Poisonous Mushrooms - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi32.44MB
- Fire Drill - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E05 - The Arizona Desert.avi32.2MB
- Labrador Tea in Winter Forest - (2009) Ray Mears Northern Wilderness S01E01 - Boreal Forrest.AVI31.91MB
- Wood Ants Nest for Orientation and Food - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi31.87MB
- How to make natural cordage from nettles - Extras.mp431.76MB
- Fire Bow Technique, Birch Bark - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E02 - Canoe Journey.avi31.64MB
- Collecting and Roasting Cattail - (2002) Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E02 - Roger's Rangers.AVI31.64MB
- Folded Frame Saw, Paddle, Log Splitting, Wedge - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E02 - Canoe Journey.avi31.6MB
- Tripod, Tin Can Pot Hanger - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E04_-_rock_Art.avi30.98MB
- Opening Ripe Coconut, Machete - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E06 - Desert Island Survival.avi30.67MB
- How to make a matchbox from birch bark - Extras.mp430.66MB
- Jungle Shelter - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E01 - Jungle Survival.avi30.51MB
- Crossing a River, Drowning, Firesteel, Emergency - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E06 - New Zealand Solomon.avi30.43MB
- Fire between Buttress Roots, Jungle, Pot Hanging, Feather Stick, Jungle - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E02_-_The_Bushtucker_Man.avi29.37MB
- Wild Rice Gathering and Roasting - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e01.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi29.13MB
- Jungle Materials, Wild Food, Water, Tinder - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E01 - Jungle Survival.avi28.17MB
- Cooking Liver in Embers - Ray Mears' Wild Food (4).avi28.01MB
- How to Get Water in Desert - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E05 - The Arizona Desert.avi27.72MB
- Fishnet Making - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e05.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi27.72MB
- Improvised Snow Shoes - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E02 - Arctic Survival.avi27.54MB
- Simple Pot Hanger, Can, Branch, Log - Ray Mears _ Simple Pot Hanger.flv26.95MB
- Cooking with Bamboo and Banana Tree, Wild Jungle Edibles, Palm Hearth, Shrimp - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E05 - Thailand Solomon.avi26.79MB
- Knots for Hammock and Tarp - Ray Mears _ Tarp Hammock Knots.flv26.73MB
- Fishhook from Natural Materials - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E03 - Alaska Solomon.avi26.62MB
- Orienteering in Woods, Hand Watch, Pole Method - Ray Mears' Country Tracks E01.avi25.97MB
- Cooking Eggs in Fire Ashes - Ray Mears' Wild Food (3).avi25.62MB
- Bush Camping, Mosquito Net, Swag - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E02_-_The_Bushtucker_Man.avi25.46MB
- Bamboo Raft, Jungle River - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E01 - Jungle Survival.avi25.06MB
- Fire Bow, Cooking Eggs in Sphagnum Moss, Flint - Ray Mears' Country Tracks E07.avi24.93MB
- Winching Car Bog Down in Sand, Shovel, Swag - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E01_-_The_Desert.avi24.82MB
- Ptarmigan Snares - Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 2.avi24.81MB
- Scrambled Eggs in Ashes, Wated Hole, Digging Stick - Ray Mears' Country Tracks E05.avi24.81MB
- Roasting Hazelnuts in Hot Sand - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi24.71MB
- Cattail, Edible Roots - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi24.68MB
- Cooking in Burdock Leaves, Embers, Nettle Cordage - Ray Mears' Wild Food (3).avi24.65MB
- Cooking Pit, Earth Oven, Meat, Stones, Shore - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi24.54MB
- Water Purification by Destilation - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E01_-_The_Desert.avi24.54MB
- Wild Sisal Cordage- Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E05 - Africa Safari.avi24.34MB
- Birch Sap, Other Birch Uses, Auger - (2005) Ray Mears B.avi24.24MB
- Drying Berries, Rack, Dogwood - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi24.2MB
- Sharpening an Axe at Camp, Wheatstones - Ray Mears _ Sharpening an Axe at Camp.flv24.02MB
- Forest Fruits and Berries - Ray Mears' Wild Food (4).avi23.96MB
- Baking Bannock - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E02 - Canoe Journey.avi23.93MB
- Sea Kale Edible Root, Shore - Ray Mears' Wild Food (2).avi23.86MB
- Cooking Fish on a Stick, Spruce Root, Fishbone - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E04 - Sweden.avi23.84MB
- Fire by Friction, Dry Bamboo, Tinder, Jungle - Ray Mears' World Of Survival S01E06 - The Spice Islands.avi23.66MB
- Fire from Car Battery, Steel Wool, Potassium Permanganate, Desert - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E03 - Outback Survival.avi23.13MB
- Impovised Turban and Sunglasses, Desert - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E01 - The Sahara Desert.avi22.96MB
- Gathering and Cooking Seafood - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi22.79MB
- Cooking Pit, Earth Oven, Burdock, Stones, Grass, Bread- Ray Mears' Country Tracks E08.avi22.73MB
- Coil Basket Weaving - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi22.71MB
- Cutting Board Crafting - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi22.56MB
- Edible Plants, Leaves and Flowers, Wetland - Ray Mears' Wild Food (3).avi21.74MB
- Birch Uses, Polypore- Ray Mears' Country Tracks E06.avi21.64MB
- Fire Bow - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi21.61MB
- Wickiup Desert Shelter, Bear Grass - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E05 - The Arizona Desert.avi21.53MB
- Gathering and Roasting Grass Seeds - Ray Mears' Wild Food (4).avi21.22MB
- River Raft without Tools - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E02 - Roger's Rangers Solomon.avi20.93MB
- Improvised Frame Backpack , Willow, Spruce, Nettle - Ray Mears' Country Tracks E01.avi20.36MB
- Avalanche Resque, Snow Shovel - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E05 - Mountain Survival.avi20.32MB
- Giant Stinging Tree, Jungle - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E02_-_The_Bushtucker_Man.avi20.29MB
- Making Fire in Damp Jungle, Rubber, Machete, Feather Sticks - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E03 - Solomon.avi20.26MB
- Ice Fishing Traps - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E04 - Sweden.avi19.97MB
- Bamboo Table, Sharpening Machete, Jungle - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E05 - Thailand Solomon.avi19.91MB
- Wild Edible Plants - Ray Mears Country Tracks E04.avi19.38MB
- Pot Holder, Cooking - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi19.15MB
- Tripod from Branches, Saplings Cordage - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E02 - Canoe Journey.avi19.04MB
- Water Purification on Life Raft, Ocean - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E04 - Sea Survival.avi18.89MB
- Stinging Nettle as Food - Ray Mears' Wild Food (3).avi18.55MB
- Firelighting with Mirror, Mosquito Net - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E01_-_The_Desert.avi18MB
- Water Purification, Canteen, Osmotic Pump, Iodine Tablets, Puritabs - Ray Mears _ Safe Water.flv17.81MB
- Forest Shelter, Leaves, Blanket - Ray Mears Country Tracks E10.avi17.13MB
- Opening Unripe Coconut, Tropiki Wyspa Woda Maczeta Jedzenie - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E06 - Desert Island Survival.avi17.11MB
- Whale Bone Shelter, Raw Hide, Desert Shore - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E04 - Namibia.avi16.93MB
- Splitting Wood with Folding Saw - Ray Mears _ Splitting Wood with a Saw.flv16.76MB
- Searching Water on Desert with Telescope - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E01_-_The_Desert.avi16.65MB
- Small Game Bamboo Trap - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E06 - Desert Island Survival.avi16.62MB
- Hobo Fishing, Tin - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi16.23MB
- Fire Drill in Tropics, Machete - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E06 - Arnhem Land.avi16.15MB
- Fire in Tundra, Birch - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e03.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi16.13MB
- Camping in Bear Country, Tracks, Bear Bag - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi15.79MB
- Beaver Skinning - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi15.73MB
- Ramsons - Ray Mears _ Ramsons.flv15.71MB
- Fire in a Minute, Bannock on Board, Tinder, Amadou, Lichen- Ray Mears' Country Tracks E02.avi15.54MB
- Useful Herbs - Ray Mears' Country Tracks E03.avi15.25MB
- Service Tree Fruit - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi15.17MB
- Firelighting with Iron Ferrite and Flint, Amadou - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi15.13MB
- Traditional Jerky - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi15.11MB
- Setting a Teepee - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi14.98MB
- How to Handle a Knife, Sheath - Ray Mears _ How to Handle a Knife.flv14.82MB
- Simple Snow Shelter, Skis, Poles - Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 3.avi14.69MB
- Nuts and Fruits in Tropics, Pandanas - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E06 - Desert Island Survival.avi14.54MB
- Making a Spoon - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi14.44MB
- Matchbox Seeds Container, Wild Soap, Jungle, Machete - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E05 - Thailand Solomon.avi14.41MB
- Stone Age Skinning, Flint Blade, Tendon, Deer - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi14.36MB
- Steaming Fish in Sphagnum Moss - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi14.25MB
- Traditional Shelter with Birch Bark - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E02 - Roger's Rangers Solomon.avi14.21MB
- Mangrove Wild Edibles, Snails, Crabs - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E06 - Arnhem Land_CUT.avi14.13MB
- Russian Stove, Pine - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E04 - Sweden.avi14.11MB
- How to Survive Falling Under Ice - Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 1.avi14.07MB
- Deep Snow Fire, Winter, Showel - Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 1.avi13.65MB
- Fresh Water Jungle Shrimp & Crayfish - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E01 - Jungle Survival.avi13.08MB
- Lichen as Firesteel Tinder - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi13.06MB
- Traditional Firesteel, Amadou - (2009) Ray Mears Northern Wilderness S01E05 - David Thompson.AVI12.41MB
- Snow Shelter Types , Snowaxe, Rope - Ray Mears' Country Tracks E09.avi12.28MB
- Herbs, Wild Soap, Mosquito Repellent, Yarrow - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi12.12MB
- Snow Grave Shelter, Candle - Real Heroes of Telemark - Part 2.avi12.12MB
- Hazel Brush - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi12.07MB
- Crossing a Stream, Stick - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi12.02MB
- Forest Poisonous Plants - Ray Mears' Wild Food (5).avi11.74MB
- Paperbark Tree Tinder, Firesteel - Ray Mears' Wild Food (1).avi11.65MB
- Impovised Castaway Fishing, Ocean, Harpoon, Fish Hook - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E04 - Sea Survival.avi11.59MB
- Flint Knapping Blades - Ray Mears' Wild Food (2).avi11.47MB
- Making Charcloth, Flint & Steel - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi11.09MB
- Fire by Magnifying Glass, Signal Mirror, Signal, Smoke - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E06 - Arnhem Land_CUT.avi11.03MB
- Fire by Friction, Bamboo, Jungle - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E01 - Jungle Survival.avi11.02MB
- Cattail Edible Root - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi10.85MB
- How to Make a Paddle, Splitting Wood, Wedge, Axe - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi10.8MB
- How to Fell a Tree - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E04 - Sweden.avi10.29MB
- Bark Tinder, Stones, Firesteel, Pot - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E04 - Africa Camp.avi10.24MB
- Baking Damper on Hot Stone - Ray Mears' Wild Food (2).avi9.91MB
- Finding Dry Wood in Winter - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e01.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi9.87MB
- Animal Tracks in Snow - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E04 - Sweden.avi9.7MB
- Deadfall Squirrel Trap, Splitting Log with Axe - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi9.58MB
- Signs of Animal Presence - (2009) Ray Mears Northern Wilderness S01E01 - Boreal Forrest.AVI9.51MB
- Camp Laundry, Brush - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E04 - Africa Camp.avi8.88MB
- Bracket Fungus as Tinder, Flint & Steel - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E02_-_The_Bushtucker_Man.avi8.83MB
- Feather Sticks - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi8.58MB
- Palm Cordage - Ray Mears' World Of Survival S02E04 - The Coromandel Coast.avi8.57MB
- Snow Shelter in Taiga - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E02 - Arctic Survival.avi8.07MB
- Glowing Fungus, Fire Carrying - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi7.97MB
- Traditional Water Bottle in Desert - Ray_Mears_Goes_Walkabout_S01E01_-_The_Desert.avi7.94MB
- Mosquito Reppelent Termit Mount, Smoke, Machete - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E06 - Arnhem Land.avi7.64MB
- Firesteel, Birch Bark Tinder - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E02 - Canoe Journey.avi7.52MB
- Improvised Thorn Fish Hook, Line Low Tide Fishing Trap - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi7.48MB
- Fish Hook Cactus Oreentering - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S01E05 - The Arizona Desert.avi7.45MB
- Aspiryne from Willow Bark - Ray Mears Wild Food S01E05 - Woodland.avi7.29MB
- Cooking Seafood in Embers, Desert - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E04 - Namibia.avi7.05MB
- Pine Knots - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi7MB
- Flint Knapping - Ray Mears' Wild Food (4).avi6.99MB
- Poison Ivy - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e02.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi6.79MB
- Opening Ripe Coconut, Machete - Ray Mears' World Of Survival S01E04 - Savaii, Western Samoa.avi6.46MB
- Badger Tracks - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi6.45MB
- Fir Resin, Bear Marking on Bark - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e01.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi6.08MB
- Hazel Frame Saw - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E01 - Belarus.avi5.87MB
- Fire by Flint and Straight Razor, Amadou - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E03 - American Prairies.avi5.82MB
- Baking Bread in Crook Pot - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E04 - Africa Camp.avi5.7MB
- Antler Breaking, Stone Age - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S01E01 - Aboriginal Britain.avi5.5MB
- Know Forest Trees - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi4.85MB
- Lichen as Tinder - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E03 - Alaska Solomon.avi4.51MB
- Boiling Water Tip, Morning - ray.mears.northern.wilderness.s01e02.ws.pdtv.xvid-ftp.avi4.49MB
- Tinder for Firesteel, Lichen, Brich Bark - Ray Mears' World Of Survival S01E03 - Siberia.avi4.23MB
- Hazel Circle, Knife - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E05 - Four Seasons.avi4.11MB
- Relighting Charcoal with Flint & Steel - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E02 - Roger's Rangers Solomon.avi3.96MB
- Splitting Log in Half, Wedge, Axe - Ray Mears' Bushcraft S02E04 - Sweden.avi3.6MB
- How to Spot Sage - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S03E03 - Alaska Solomon.avi3.14MB
- Spruce Resin Candle - Ray Mears' Extreme Survival S02E02 - The Rocky Mountains.avi3.07MB
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